Our Team

Philipp Tavrovski Kieferchirurg Hamburg

DR. Philipp Tavrovski, M. Sc.

Owner & Oral Surgeon

Along with our technical and specialist expertise, the harmony between our team members is the heart of our clinic. We deal just as calmly and smoothly with our patients as we do with each other. This is obvious as soon as you walk into our clinic. True to the idea of treating our patients exactly as we would like to be treated ourselves, our clinic is strongly committed to service. Of course, you can also expect treatment from us that complies with the highest standards and that is what you will get.

Dr. Lara Koopmann (maternity leave)

Oral Surgeon

It is important to me to understand the worries and fears of my patients. I also attach great importance to open and clear communication to ensure that my patients feel that they are in good hands. I am happy to take time for that!

Dr. Chinh Tran Khanh


Specialising in root canal treatment and microsurgery is not just my job, it is my passion. Saving your tooth is my primary goal. This is because your own tooth is the best implant.

Verena Clausen

Dentist (surgery specialist)

Each treatment is individually tailored to the needs of my patients. Open and trusting communication before the procedure, as well as a pleasant atmosphere during it, are especially important to me. Your well-being is my top priority.

Dr. Philine Pfannenstiel

Dentist specialising in oral surgery

Treating every patient with respect and carrying out procedures pain-free and with the highest level of professional care is my top priority.

Negar Mahlmeister

Fachzahnärztin für Oralchirurgie

Hohe Behand­lungs­qualität in einer angst­freien Atmos­phäre liegt mir sehr am Herzen. Fast so sehr wie meine Patienten, mit denen ich ein ver­trauens­volles Verhält­nis pflege und in guter Kommuni­kation stehe. Diese Basis wird geför­dert durch ausführ­liche Diagnos­tik und Bera­tung, einen trans­parente Behand­lungs­planung und ein stets offenes Ohr für die Anliegen und Bedürf­nisse meiner Patien­ten.

Dr. Janine Müller

Dentist (surgery specialist)

It is important to me to cater to each patient’s individual needs and to offer the best possible treatment. To make your time with us as pleasant as possible, I emphasise open communication and respectful cooperation.
Kieferchirurg Hamburg

Dr. Carolin Winkler


Ergänzend zum oralchirurgischen Angebot der Praxis liegt mein Tätigkeitsbereich in der Endodontie. Ich nehme mir viel Zeit und Energie Ihre Wurzelkanalbehandlungen mit neusten und modernsten Möglichkeiten durchzuführen. Im engen Austausch mit Dr. Tran Khanh steht für mich Ihr gesunder Zahnerhalt im Mittelpunkt.

Sipan Temiz


Ich freue mich meine angeeigneten Fähigkeiten gewinnbringend in der Praxis einzusetzen und mich selbst kontinuierlich weiterzuentwickeln, um ein stets leistungsfähiger Mitarbeiter in der Praxis Mundreich zu sein.

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