Frequently asked questions

About the clinic

You can make appointments with us by telephone or email or using our convenient online booking system.

Yes, you are welcome to drive to the clinic. You can find directions to our patient car park here.

Whether you have statutory or private health insurance, we treat every patient the same – regardless of which type of insurance they have.

A referral is not essential but is preferred because this allows us to identify more quickly which surgical treatment you need.

Yes. We offer all modern anaesthetic procedures: from light sedation (twilight sleep) to general anaesthesia.
No. An orthodontist is responsible for this. We specialise in oral surgery. Oral surgery and endodontics. We specialise in implant dentistry, oral surgery, wisdom tooth removal and endodontics (root canal treatment).

Frequently asked questions

Post-Operative Care Instructions

If we have placed a gauze pad after the procedure, please bite gently on it for about 2 hours. Afterward, you can discard it.

Standard pain medication: Take 400 mg Ibuprofen within the first 24 hours, one tablet every 4 hours, totalling 6 tablets within the first 24 hours post-procedure.

If bleeding continues afterward, place another gauze pad or cloth handkerchief on the affected area and repeat this every 30 minutes.

You may cool the treated area with a wrapped ice pack or cold washcloth for five minutes. Repeat this every 30 minutes for 5 minutes.

It is not recommended to actively participate in road traffic while under local anaesthesia.
Also, physical activity should be avoided. Rest for two to three days, and refrain from sports for 10 days.

Please avoid drinks containing caffeine to prevent an increase in blood pressure. Alcohol, nicotine, fruit juices, and carbonated beverages are also not recommended.

For the first seven days post-surgery, try to consume soft foods only.

You can continue your regular oral hygiene routine, which is even helpful in preventing wound infections. Be sure to handle the treated area with great care, avoid applying pressure, and use very soft-bristled brushes. It is also advisable to use a mouthwash gently, but only once per day.

Smoking is highly harmful, not just generally to your health, but specifically for the wound healing process. The first 72 hours post-surgery are particularly critical. Please avoid smoking at all costs.

By the way, this would also be an excellent opportunity to quit entirely. 😉

If at any point you feel that something is abnormal or your symptoms worsen significantly, please contact our practice immediately to schedule a follow-up appointment.

Unless otherwise discussed, the removal of stitches and wound check will take place 7-14 days after the procedure.

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