Implant dentistry

Dental implants Hamburg

Strong foundations for strong teeth

In Germany alone, more than 1 million implants are placed by dentists every year. The possibility of replacing missing teeth with dental implants has been described in the literature for over 50 years. The most commonly used material for dental implants is titanium. This material is highly biocompatible, meaning that the body of the implants can integrate into and fuse with the patient’s bone. This fusing enables the implant to withstand the extremely high force generated during chewing after a few months. The pressure exerted on the implant when eating and chewing is also transferred to the jaw and can be felt by the patient, effectively turning back the clock. Implants enable new palateless dentures to be created, cases that previously required a prosthesis. This greatly improves the taste experience because both the taste buds on the tongue and the palate can contribute to the sensation of taste.

If you have missing teeth, we will be happy to advise you so that we can develop a custom treatment plan for you. This will give you back some of the most important things: Quality of life and friends.


How implant placement works

1. Planning the implant using a 3D image and intraoral scan
Planning 40%
2. Anaesthesia
Anaesthesia 50%
3. Opening up the surgical site
Surgical site 60%
4. Drilling the implant
Drilling 80%
5. Inserting the implant
Insertion 95%
6. Suture
Suture 100%


Frequently asked questions

Because implants are placed under local anaesthesia, the treatment is pain-free.
This is highly individual and depends on several factors, but generally a healing time of between 3 and 6 months is needed.
High-quality implants from Mundreich can often last decades or even a lifetime with good oral hygiene and regular check-ups at the dentist. However, it is important that patients with implants visit the dentist regularly and take care of their dental health because poor oral hygiene and other factors, such as periodontitis, can affect how long the implant lasts.
There are common side effects such as pain and swelling. These side effects can last up to a week. After this time, you should not have any further discomfort.
It is not always possible to give an across-the-board answer because several factors affect the costs. You will always receive an individual, transparent cost estimate based on the German fee schedule for dentists (GOZ) that you can examine at your leisure.
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